UK Department for Transport | Creatures of Habit

1 in 4 disabled people in the UK do not travel on public transport due to the negative attitudes of other passengers. Impacting their access to employment, healthcare, education and social activities.

To raise awareness of this troubling insight we launched the ‘Creatures of Habit’ campaign. We created an animated world where our worst travelling behaviours couldn’t be ignored.

In our spots, we depict the journeys of six commuters with visible and invisible impairments encountering everyday challenges. Using charming animal characters as simple visual metaphors, we highlight the bad habits we’re all guilty of.

DIRECTORS: Oscars nominees and BAFTA winning duo, Smith & Foulkes.

SENIOR CREATIVES: Perle Arteta & Christopher Joyce ‘CJ’
Mark Roalfe & Laurent Simon


Epica Awards
- Bronze
PHNX Award - Animation - Bronze
PHNX Award - Best use of Music - Bronze
Big Campaign Awards - Shortlist


Ad of the Day - Campaign UK
Editor’s pick and Most Popular - AdAge
Ad of the Week - Little Black Book
The Drum
